Red Jasper Tumblestone - Extra Large

Red Jasper Tumblestone - Extra Large

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40-50 mm (Extra Large) - Sold Individually

Origin:  Brazil

Crystal Details: Jasper is an opaque microcrystalline variety of  Chalcedony with large, grainy crystals. It occurs in nodules or as fillings in fissures and may be found the world over.

Chemical Composition: Silicon dioxide SiO2

Hardness:  On Mohs scale of mineral hardness - grade 6.5 to 7 (1 being softest, 10 being hardest)

Colour:  Its vibrant red to terracotta red-brown (brick red)s due to high iron content, and may contain other minerals or impurities that create rich patterns. The term "jasper" itself comes from the Greek work iaspi, meaning "spotted stone." Unlike most jasper which is a heavily banded variety of chalcedony, brick red jasper is almost one pure colour.

Uses: Crystals are a gift of nature that have been cherished and appreciated by humankind for for millennia. There are countless ways we can incorporate crystals into our daily lives. Placed around the home, worn as jewellery or simply held in the hand they remind us of our relationship with nature and Mother Earth.

It is known that crystals, due to their atomic makeup, hold heat and focus light energy, the often used example is quartz crystals being used in watches to generate an electric charge. Beyond this, it is said that crystals and gemstones have different energies that can be used to enhance your own energetic vibrations. Each gemstone is known for its unique 'energetic' properties.

Properties:  Nurturing - Grounding - Stabilizing

Jasper, in all its forms, is considered a powerful healing stone. Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Red jasper has been used as a stone of protection for thousands of years. It is believed this jasper has an ability to create and help balance aggressive, dynamic energy. Red Jasper is  known as the Stone of Endurance, a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating a lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks and having the courage to rectify wrongs. Red Jasper is wonderful for clearing the mind during meditation, prayer or contemplation.

Historical Uses/ Folklore: Jasper is a gemstone that has been used all over the world and often revered as sacred. They were known as the “rain bringers” and nurturers, healers of the spirit and stones of courage and wisdom. According to Norse legend, the magic sword of Siegfried the dragon slayer was inlaid with this gemstone. Egyptians believed the stone to be associated with Isis and was carved into amulets for the dead. The ancient Egyptians linked Red Jasper with the fertilizing blood of Mother Isis, and often carved it into protective amulets to be placed upon the neck of the deceased, engraved with the 156th chapter of the Book of the Dead. Based on the stones known and used at the time of the Hebrew exodus, it is believed Red Jasper was likely the “Ruby” listed in the Bible - the Odem, or first stone in the breastplate of Aaron, the High Priest, engraved with the tribal name of Reuben.

Chakra: Base or Root (Muladhara)

Please Note:

  • Each crystal is unique so the size, shape and colour of the product you will receive may differ slightly from the products shown in the image.
  • Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Mandara Crystals does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.